At RestlessBeings, 100% of your donation goes towards our humanitarian projects. Restless Beings operates on zero administration costs. There are no middle men, and our transparent approach enables you to see every step of the change your support is making for the communities at the heart of all our projects. You can set up monthly donations of any amount with the knowledge that every penny you donate will go directly to the project.
You can make a donation by making a cheque payable to ‘Restless Beings’ or by making a payment directly into our account. See below for details and more information:
Restless Beings
Sort Code: 30-91-79
Account Number: 22715260
Alternatively, you can set up monthly standing orders by completing a standing order form ( MS Word) and handing back to your Restless Beings representative who will process the payments for you.
The quickest and easiest way to donate is by clicking below.
We are keen to develop new partnerships to help us progress our projects and support like minded organisations. If you are interested or would like to find out more please email